Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yosemite In December

Just before Christmas I took a drive into Yosemite and was pleasantly surprised to find snow on the valley floor! I was hoping for some clouds in the sky but the snow on the ground made up for it!

Monday, November 30, 2009

REACH Luncheon

I volunteered to take photos at a REACH Appreciation Luncheon last week. REACH is an organization whose mission is to provide quality affordable housing and opportunities for individuals, families, and communities to thrive. Since 1982, REACH has pioneered affordable housing and supportive programs that address complex challenges facing communities. It was an honor and a pleasure to take photos on this special day where REACH recognized the efforts of their volunteers and contributors.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ben Fuller Music

I recently took some commercial photographs of musician, Ben Fuller. We had a great time and Ben is a very talented musician! If you haven't already, please check out his music at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Being a photographer from the Pacific Northwest, I am environmentally conscious and enjoy maintaining the beauty of nature. Whether I'm out photographing or simply enjoying my surroundings, litter stands out and distracts from the scenery. Litter became my inspiration for this portfolio and specifically litter near or in bodies of water. I hope the essence of these photographs inspires people to recycle and to be more conscious of their imprint on this world. All the items photographed in this portfolio were untouched when photographed and then properly discarded or recycled.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Rogue Brewery, Newport

For all you brew fans out there, here are some shots I took at the Rogue Brewery in Newport, Oregon. The Rogue Brewery produces amazing ales with names like Dead Guy Ale, Dad's Little Helper, and my personal favorite Chocolate Stout.

The Yaquina Bay Bridge that towers next to the brewery.

Morimoto Soba Ale and Morimoto Black Obi

Santa's Private Ale

Shakespeare Stout